Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Decorating is such a bore.

Man I've been super busy today I started painting up my house, just bland magnolia for now, and the stairs and landing. The plan is to get it all done before christmas. New carpet on the stairs, flooring in the bathroom etc. That gives me about 2 months, can I do it? I fucking hope so.

Anyway, I have an hour before I go to bed to mooch on t'interweb. So I'll be nsy and click on over to your blogs, relax me for some sleeps.

Kinda stuff I have on my panting playlist, fuck yeahhh :3

Night all.



  1. I think it's fun to redecorate!

  2. I know how the redecorating feels!

  3. hey this is a pretty catchy song man

  4. meh, can be fun, but im just not that into spending time and money on things like that

  5. very nice sound

  6. I spent a week redecorating my parents house for free, god so wasnt worth it, i still get called up on things i did wrong...

  7. man, that is some epic painting music, i definitely need more of this- you should link more of your playlist for me please!

  8. that music got me in the mood to paint

  9. love the beats in the video.

  10. DJ Sharpnel knows how to make the beats.
